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How FII trade Options Profitably?

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Best strategy for working professionals

In positional trading we plan to capture gains with weekly Hedging strategies with Nifty & Bank Nifty weekly Options.



Learn from experience

Maybe you’re ready to jump feet first into your trading career … or maybe trading is a side hustle, and you just don’t know where to start. Maybe you’re in a rut of losses and desperate to get out!

Mahabaleshwar [CFA® Derivatives]
  • Traders need research and analytical skills to monitor broad economic factors and day-to-day chart patterns that impact financial markets.
  • Self-control is crucial, as well as the ability to regulate emotions despite developments that could be upsetting.
  • Accurate record-keeping is important for trader accountability and for learning and improving.
  • Treat trading like a business, not a hobby or a job.
  • You need to know the importance of technical indicators
  • Learn how to use data & analytics to improve your trading

There is even a saying in the industry — 90% of Retail Traders lose 90% of their money within 90 days!

Firstly, let me define what I mean by a Professional Trader — someone performing a controlled function trading other people’s money, either on a proprietary trading desk in an Investment Bank, or in a Hedge Fund.

Professional Traders do not include the guys on Twitter calling themselves “Professional Traders”. These are almost always Retail Traders simply pretending to be Professional Traders!

Professional Traders have a longer term outlook in which there first goal is capital preservation, and second goal is growth. In other words, the initial and primary goal is to simply NOT lose money, or at least protect themselves from significant losses.

So overall, they aim to get rich slowly with a sustainable strategy. To trade in a way that will potentially allow us to trade forever, because we don’t want to “blow up” our trading account, there are lot of things I want to teach you, So why don’t you watch our Free Course completely, I tried to explain in simpler terms. Thank you!

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Follow our trades on Nifty & Bank Nifty weekly Options

Frequently Asked Questions?

Following are the advantage of Options Trading:

  • Options trading requires less capital compared to stocks when compared to return on Investment
  • In Stocks you make money only when market moves in your direction, but in Options trading you can make money irrespective of direction
  • In Options Trading you can plan risk defined strategies in any market scenario, But not possible in Stock trading
Yes, absolutely! The weekly Hedging strategies we teach are specially for working professionals, where you can earn consistent income weekly with risk defined strategies

Our “Options Trading Master Course” is designed from basic step-by-step approach that will guide you with proven case-studies & examples, where you can learn within 15 days.

For FY 19-20 we had achieved 42.86% returns with Nifty & Bank Nifty weekly Options with draw-down of -8% in a month, Along with weekly Options we do trade Expiry day selling which generated a combined returns of 76.13% with weekly Options.

We started publishing our weekly trades from March 2017, where we started with 2,00,000 and within 3 years we had grown into 9,30,000 trading only Nifty & Bank Nifty weekly Options strategies

Based on our trading experience we have developed a logic in analyzing weekly market direction based on following parameters:

  • Technical Setup
  • Options Chain
  • FII positions
  • Futures Data &
  • Global sentiment,

which gives more precised direction of market expect to move over a period of week that helps us to profit form Hedging strategies. We will be giving the sheet for Free if you purchase our course.

FII’s are the foreign Institutional traders who are engaging 90-95% of overall volume so, when they take positions they actually move the market accordingly, so the best way is to follow the Institutional traders to make consistent returns.

When It comes to Intraday trading no patterns works perfect, you need to back-test these patterns to know which patterns works best for you, In our “Intraday Trading Master Course” we have explained 4 best Intraday trading setups with live trades So, you can just follow these patterns to achieve consistency.

Yes, all the Master Courses includes back tested case-studies with past 3 months of verified trade results with INDEX weekly Options.

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